phi-Webseite im neuen Glanz

phi-Webseite im neuen Glanz

Nach wochenlanger Arbeit ist es endlich soweit, unsere neue moderne Webseite ist online. Wir passen uns den erfrischenden Farben in unserer Firma an. Früher war Flieder und Grau die Farbe des Jahres und heute erstrahlt unsere Webseite in neuen Glanz. Neben einem...
IT Fullservice seit über 30 Jahren für die Schawk Jülich.

IT full service for Schawk Jülich for over 30 years.

Full service and IT are also in a constant state of change. In all the years that our employees have been providing support for our customers, many projects and changes have been implemented. Whether in the early days the changeover from BNC (ring network) to CAT...

Stinginess is not always cool!

Particularly in the IT sector, when it comes to your data or if you want your company to continue to grow, saving money tends to be counterproductive. In order to be on the safe side legally, you need to deal with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Here are a few examples that...

ScreenConnect vs. TeamViewer

Many people ask themselves which remote maintenance tool is the most secure. TeamViewer advertises a secure connection. Unfortunately, we cannot confirm this, as the TeamViewer server is hosted somewhere in the world. In contrast to ScreenConnect. ScreenConnect...
Wir setzen auf Green-Strom

We rely on green electricity

Not only does our data centre run on green electricity, but now our vehicles do too. To get to nearby customers quickly, we have opted for e-scooters. This is not only environmentally friendly, but also for short distance through the city...
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